Donald Eugene Webb is wanted in connection with the murder on December 4, 1980, of a police officer in Saxonburg, Pennsylvania who was shot twice at close range after being brutally beaten about the head and face with a blunt instrument. On the list since 1981, no person has been on the FBI's Ten Most Wanted list longer in its history.[6]
2 Victor Manuel Gerena May 14, 1984 #386

Victor Manuel Gerena is wanted in connection with the armed robbery of approximately $7 million from a security company in West Hartford, Connecticut in 1983. He allegedly took two security employees hostage at gunpoint and then handcuffed, bound and injected them with an unknown substance in order to further disable them.[7]
3 Glen Stewart Godwin December 7, 1996 #447

Glen Stewart Godwin is being sought for his 1987 escape from Folsom State Prison in California, where he was serving a lengthy sentence for murder. He was subsequently imprisoned in Mexico on drug trafficking charges, but escaped from prison there as well.[8]
4 Osama bin Laden[9] June 7, 1999 #456

Osama bin Laden[9] is the leader of al-Qaeda, and is wanted in connection with the August 7, 1998, bombings of the United States embassies in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, and Nairobi, Kenya. These attacks killed over 200 people. bin Laden and al-Qaeda are also responsible for the October 12, 2000, attack on the USS Cole off the coast of Yemen, which killed 17. Although bin Laden also later appeared on the first publicly released FBI Most Wanted Terrorists list on October 10, 2001, he was listed there for the 1998 embassy attack, and not for his alleged role in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks that killed nearly 3,000, because the most wanted lists name fugitives charged with a crime by a prosecutor or under indictment by a grand jury. Bin Laden was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in, for instance, the federal indictment against convicted terrorist Zacarias Moussaoui, but has not been formally indicted for his role in the September 11, 2001 attacks.
Bin Laden is the subject of a $25 million reward through the State Department's Rewards for Justice program targeting international fugitives, especially terrorists, plus $2 million through a program developed and funded by the Air Line Pilots Association and the Air Transport Association.[10][11][9]
5 James Joseph "Whitey" Bulger August 19, 1999 #458

James J. Bulger is wanted for his role in numerous murders (18 counts) committed from the early 1970s through the mid-1980s in connection with his leadership of an organized crime group that allegedly controlled extortion, drug deals, and other illegal activities in the Boston, Massachusetts, area. He has a violent temper and is known to carry a knife at all times. He was once the boss of Boston's Irish mob before he went into hiding.[12]
6 Richard Steve Goldberg June 14, 2002 #474

Richard Steve Goldberg is wanted for allegedly engaging in sexual activities with several female children under the age of ten in Long Beach, California, from January through May of 2001.[13]
7 Robert William Fisher June 29, 2002 #475

Robert William Fisher is wanted for allegedly killing his wife and two young children and then blowing up the house they all lived in Scottsdale, Arizona in April of 2001.[14]
8 Diego Leon Montoya Sanchez May 6, 2004 #478

Diego Leon Montoya Sanchez is being sought in connection with the manufacture and distribution of multiple tons of cocaine, knowing or intending that it will be imported into the United States. [15] Montoya is reputedly one of the principal leaders of the Colombian North Valley Drug Cartel. The North Valley Cartel is believed to be the most powerful and violent drug trafficking organization in Colombia. The cartel reportedly relies heavily for protection on illegal armed groups, taking help from right-wing paramilitaries as well as leftist rebels.[16]
9 Jorge Alberto Lopez-Orozco March 17, 2005 #480

Jorge Alberto Lopez-Orozco is wanted in connection with the murders of a woman and her two young children, ages 2 and 4, in Elmore County, Idaho. [17] The victims' charred remains were found on August 11, 2002, inside a burned-out vehicle. He may be travelling with his brother, Simon Lopez-Orozco, and Simon's wife, both of whom have been charged as accessories in the crime. Reward of up to $100,000.[18]
10 John Ward Warren Parsons September 30, 2006 #484

CAPTURED John W. Parsons was wanted for escaping from jail on July 29, 2006. At the time of his escape, he was awaiting trial for the murder of a Chillicothe, Ohio, police officer in 2005 during a pursuit on auto theft charges. Parsons was captured on October 19, 2006 outside of Chillicothe. [19]
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